Saturday, November 29, 2008

Calling all love letters

I am pursuing a new writing project. I wanted to compile a book of love letters from the heart. But the catch is that these love letters will be anonymous. There will be on names associated with them. So what I am asking is that if you would like to participate, please email me at and send you anonymous love letter. Keep it clean but honest. You can also submit your letters at on the Contact Us page.

If you don't want to participate but know someone that does, send them to this link. Look forward to reading your love letters.

Until next time…

Thursday, November 27, 2008

He told me… And I believed him… But…

I could have cried, but I didn't

I could have yelled, but I refused

I tried to scream, but it was a waste

So I just chose to believe him.

He told me it was nothing, but I thought he was protecting himself

He told me there was no truth to it, but I just listened

He told me she was a moment of weakness, but I couldn't understand his words

So I just chose to ignore him.

I tried to cry again, but I couldn't

I tried to yell, but it wouldn't come out

I even attempted a scream, but it wasn't even worth the effort

So I just chose to forget the whole thing and move on.


The moment that…

They recognized the fire that caught ablaze

The moment that their gazes met across the crowded room

They knew that something enchanting was evolving

The moment that they sensed the chemistry started to boil between them

They decided to avoid any mistakes

The moment they were alone without interruption

They stood still in time without a word

The moment they realized that nothing but the sound of their hearts was present

They never said a word until was necessary

The moment they were prepared to escape the thoughts that grasped them

They exchanged their pleasantries without regrets

The moment that they knew that time was passed

Friday, November 21, 2008

A Ridiculous Moment in Time

I had a momentary lapse in judgment. I lost control of my emotions and had to gather myself. I am determined to be better than I was on yesterday. I am striving to be the best that I can be.

Can you imagine?

Being ambushed constantly with stuff

Trying to do what's right

Trying to live accordingly

Trying to be an example to others

But then there's the stuff

It haunts us repeatedly

Trying to draw us backwards

Trying to entice us to the garbage

The garbage that nearly destroyed us

The garbage that holds us down

The garbage keeps us stagnant

It is determined to have a stronghold

But I will break that stronghold

I will not be held back from my breakthrough

I will not allow it to control my life

I will allow God to guide my steps

Enhance my overall being

Become all that I was predestined to be

Because I am determined to move forward

I will be better than I was on yesterday

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Whoever said God wasn't real didn't have a clue. They were living in some fantasy that they have yet to awaken from. I know just how real he is because he is continuously moving and shaking in my life. To discover how he impacts your life is an awesome thing. He is constantly working to make things better for those who believe and trust in him. I know that in time, my life will be on top and I will be happier than I have been in a long time. God is good all the time and anyone that says otherwise is a lie. Thank you, Lord for all your continuous blessings.
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"Emotionally Unhinged: A Poetic Expression of Sorts"
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I look forward to seeing you there. Until then... Be Blessed!

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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Got a Plan?

Ever had a moment that caused you to reflect about the direction in which your life is headed? A moment that made you want to make a difference? It is moments like this that give people the desire to change or just a jolt into reality. These moments require that people give life a second look. It requires immediate attention and not just a casual glance over your current situation. It is these moments that either inspire to greatness or cause you to slump further into the hole that you may have dug for yourself.

Take some time each day to examine your current situation. Think about where you are in life and where you want to be. After doing all of that, decide to make a plan. Your plan will give you the opportunity to reflect back and remind yourself of your goals. Your life is nothing without a plan. So don't be afraid to set goals for yourself. They could be weekly, monthly, or even yearly goals. The satisfaction that you will gain when crossing off something that you've accomplished from your list, will make you feel like a million bucks.

Make yourself an action plan that help you achieve your dreams. Your dreams are what keep you focused and soaring to new heights.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Excerpt from "Living in Someone Else's Skin"

It was another one of those days when I just didn't feel like being bothered with what was going on around me. Everyone was gettting on my last nerve. The boss was having a moment with menopause. Her second in charge was being her usual anal self. The kids were getting into everything that they could think of and fighting about nothing. I just needed a moment to escape, so I did like I always did, I went to another place in time...

Dear Princess,

Chris text me from Miami. He was finishing up his photo shoot for some magazine spread. He wanted me to know that he hadn't forgotten about me. I texted him back and told him that I would see him when he returned.

About an hour later, I received a strange text... It read, "Got your package?" I didn't get it. I was completely puzzled. Just as I was about to text a response, the doorbell rang. When I opened the door, it was the FedEx man. He asked, "Are you the Princess?" I replied, "Sure, why?" He simply extended a large envelope and asked for my signature. I honored his request and he gave me my package. He said, "Thank you. Have a good afternoon, ma'am."

It took me a minute to close the door behind the FedEx man. I was enjoying the presentation that was before me. It was a fantastic view from all angles. As my delivery man drove off into the sunset, I slowly closed the door to my abode. I was curious about this recent package I had received. As I tore open the package, there inside was a airline ticket. Just as I was about to look at the location, my phone contacted me again. It was another text. All it said was, "Are you ready?"

I looked back at the ticket and it was for Miami, Florida. I was to leave within the hour. It even had a post-it attached that read, "I'll see you there. I won't take no for an answer." All I could do was smile. I text Chris back these simple words, "See you in a few."

I didn't even bother to pack anything because I didn't think it would be necessary. Chris was always full of surprises. This one was no exception. After I collected my purse and keys, I proceeded toward the door to set the alarm. As I was going out the door, a driver was standing outside next to car. He politely smiled and said, "Your ride to the airport is here."